A home filled with germs can affect your health. That’s why house cleaning is very important in preserving your well-being. You can do the house cleaning yourself or hire a Houston cleaning company to do the dirty work for you.

There are specific areas around your home that attracts more germs than others. If you are not careful, you might find yourself in a bacteria-filled environment that could lead to health problems.
Here is a list of the items in your home to pay special attention to:

Door Knobs
Whenever we move into a different room of the house, we carry along germs on our hands to the different door handles we contact. If left unclean, this results in the doorknob becoming one of the dirtiest items in the house. To clean, use a cloth and hot, soapy water to wipe down, either weekly or as required.

Toothbrush Holder
Your toothbrush holder can harbor germs too because of its closeness to the toilet. Research studies have shown that these items can sometimes be contaminated by feces. This is why it is essential to wash your toothbrush holder regularly. Scrub it with soap and water every week and make sure that you practice proper hygiene such as washing your hands after using the restroom.

Stove Control Knobs
You handle your stove knobs while cooking; you might also be transferring bacteria, microbes or germs from raw meat and other food items. If left un-cleaned, you are dealing with a very germy knob. The best thing to do is to clean it when you finish cooking. You can use a vinegar solution and water to wipe the knobs thoroughly and disinfect them.

Kitchen Sink
Your kitchens sink needs to be sterilized after each use. The sink comes into contact with food particles of all kind and so it is one of the filthiest areas in the home. Sterilize the sink by scrubbing it with baking soda after usage and rinse with warm water. You can also try using a powerful sterilizing agent.

It takes a lot of hard work to keep your home germ-free. The 4 things listed above are some of the most germ-filled items within your household.
However, there is a long list of other items that can attract germs too. This is why house cleaning is a continuous task. To ensure that your environment is healthy, it is best to hire professionals to handle the cleaning for you. Contact a cleaning company in Houston to get help with your house cleaning today.

To get started, call (832) 551-8018 to schedule your next house cleaning service!